Are you a business owner in Michigan looking for EPLI Insurance? We can help!
Did you know that your normal general liability policy does not cover employees who make claims that their legal rights as employees of the company, have been violated?
That’s where EPLI comes in. This coverage protects you against workers who make claims against you. The number of lawsuits filed by employees against their employers, has been on the rise for many years.
Recognizing that smaller companies now need this kind of protection, some insurers provide this coverage as an endorsement to their Business-owners Policy (BOP). An endorsement changes the terms and conditions of the policy.
Other companies offer EPLI as a stand-alone coverage.
EPLI provides protection against many kinds of employee lawsuits, including claims of:
- Sexual harassment
- Discrimination
- Wrongful termination
- Breach of employment contract
- Negligent evaluation
- Failure to employ or promote
- Wrongful discipline
- Deprivation of career opportunity
- Wrongful infliction of emotional distress
- Mismanagement of employee benefit plans
How much does EPLI Coverage Cost in Michigan?
The cost of EPLI coverage depends on your type of business, the number of employees you have and other various risk factors such as whether your company has been sued over employment practices in the past. The policy will reimburse your company against the costs of defending a lawsuit in court and for judgments & settlements. Other insurance policies such as workers compensation and general liability exclude employment practice suits.
Tips to preventing employee lawsuits are:
- Educate your managers and employees to minimize problem areas
- Create effective hiring and screening programs to avoid discrimination in hiring
- Post corporate policies throughout the workplace and place them in employee handbooks so policies are clear to everyone
- Show employees what steps to take if they are the object of sexual harassment or discrimination by a supervisor or manager
- Make sure supervisors/managers understands that this type of behavior is not permissible within the company
- Document everything that occurs and the steps your company is taking to prevent and solve employee disputes
We are here to assist with any questions you may have! If this coverage is something that you would like to explore further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us~
How to get started on your EPLI quote
To get started on your quote, call our office or click over to our quotes page. Either way we’ll make the process simple!